Monday, May 10, 2010

I wonder if I should be thankful for my vanity.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. As a gift, I had gotten her the lipstick Ruby Woo (Which she applied incorrectly and tried to hide her distaste for it). We both agreed it looked better on me... I was sort of hoping that she'd give it back to me.

So I had this lovely lipstick on my lips and because I was cold, my mother let me wear her olive windbreaker. Usually her clothing is much too large, but this jacket was only a little too large and to be honest, it looked kind of nice. Really nice, actually.

We spent a good 3 hours gardening. The lipstick began to wear off and while mom was off doing things, I took a good look in the full length mirror...

The jacket opened up at the top sort of like a military uniform would. I unzipped it slightly so you could just see the back lace of my shirt underneath. At the angle I was standing at, I could see a tease of my collarbone and a bit more before it ran under the security of my jacket.

I thought "If I die, this will all go away." The gold of my skin, the black of the lace and the olive of the jacket... what a beautiful combination of colours it was. The shadows and the highlighting intensifying it all the more.

I love colours. It's one of the three things that can turn me on (the others being sound and words).

I wonder what would have happened to me if I didn't try that jacket on.

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